Just home from P12 Orientation week which took place at Cornerstone Farm!
It was truly deep and blessed on all levels. Great weather, fellowship, fun, rocking teaching and best of all (in my view) very honest and open responses- even to the most challenging teachings and circumstances. All of us- staff included- got our “boats rocked”.
What I want to share in this blog is simply that such honesty and open-heartedness to God and one another is a huge part of what makes any spiritual “boat” sail straight.
On the last night we did a bonfire, celebrated the Lord’s Supper and had a deep time of worship, soul-searching and commitment time together. People were instructed to take a handful of sand from the beach, walk off a bit and pray about their over-all willingness to truly surrender themselves to Jesus -or- to surrender a specific thing in their life that they know would shut God out and keep them from spiritual growth in this P12 year. They could either lose the sand in the beach and return to the fire for a final song and prayer, or throw the sand in the fire symbolic of giving themselves fully to the Lord.
This was something I heard about while in Costa Rica years ago regarding a Nicaraguan leader who challenged young people he was discipling- just before the war broke out. It was serious and essential they know who they were willing to live and die for! Will our house be built on rock or sand?
Earlier that evening and after all returned to the bonfire I told them that one of the greatest blessings of the week was that we on staff rarely felt like we had to “drag them up the hill”, that we were blessed at their open hearts and willingness to really dig into God’s Word, share personal stories of hurt, need and desire to become more like Jesus and so on.
I shared with them something many believers don’t think much about regarding their leaders, teachers, staff people and such: leaders rarely fret about putting a weak person on their back or taking a wounded lamb in their arms to carry them. Such a “load” isn’t much of an issue for leadership. The difficulty is when one seemingly has to coax and beg and plead before a person will “show up”, reach up (to God) and somehow actually seek the Lord with a genuine heart. That can really be painful and distressing for leaders. So I thanked them for making our job a blessing and a real pleasure to us all week long.
This is going to be a very good year...
Some years ago things became rather clear, at least in my view: if you help affirm someone or at least support them in getting whatever it may be they want or believe they should have you're a hero. Conversely if it seems you cannot in good conscience help them in their quest, you're a goat.
There are many difficulties in any family, band, church staff/choir/committee due to many things. Nobody with any experience would claim otherwise. The hard truth is that no matter the conditions, issues or whether either or both parties are (in God's Own view) "more correct" at the time, we won't always agree.
How we deal with such conflict is an ongoing discussion by various professionals as well as laypeople in and outside of any profession, Christian church, ministry or family.
My simple point in this blog is this: as obvious and at times incredibly difficult as it often is, try very hard to -not- take their angst toward you as personal. More on that in a moment.
Too many upset folks are often quite correct: you should have listened more and better, communicated better, been more gracious, prayed about it more, gotten other solid advice, etc.. BEFORE you "got in their way", prior to letting them know you disagreed -for whatever reason(s)- with them getting whatever it was they believe you should have assisted them with getting.
As certain as I am we all sin against one another, I'm equally certain that God deeply loves and yet at times deeply disagrees with ALL of us! He affirms us but not in every case. He does not seek to manipulate, abuse, destroy nor even block us from Himself or that which will truly bless us and others through us. But He does not totally affirm our every choice.
Of course He's God, knows everything and has a perfect plan- no human can offer advice from such a place!
This is why it's not only safe but wise to help a person ask good questions- and do all possible to encourage them to make the choices without anything near to coercion.
It is often painful to see the results of no advice, bad advice, even "positive and affirming input" when an individual is simply moving in their own current, outside of biblical and practical truth and experience. IF you seem negative to them, you may get bitten one way or another. Such is life. If it weren't you taking the hit, it' be someone else. Jesus being perfect took it, we must not expect different treatment and none of us is perfect in all our judgments or advice-giving!
Some don't know what they want. Some think they do but do not. Some do but you can't always agree to help them get it. Sometimes they'll blame you for not helping them toward their goal, perhaps even taking their anger out on you in any number of ways.
Getting our emotions and self-defensiveness up on the cross is part of the life-long trek toward spiritual maturity. God help us to love, forgive, apologize where/when needed, and to keep learning, seeking God in humility and trusting Him for grace. God help us to accept rejection with grace! It truly IS about Jesus, not us.
Just confirmed: Glenn Kaiser Band WILL play @ Cornerstone Festival California Saturday September 29th- Sanctuary Stage 4-4:45 p.m.
Cornerstone California is held at Oak Canyon Ranch which is located at 5305 Santiago Canyon Rd, Silverado, CA 92676-9757
If someone wishes to book a GKB or Glenn Kaiser(solo) show in southern California near this date, please contact Colleen Davick at Grrr Records Booking -immediately- at: cdavick@grrrrecords.com