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Friday, November 28, 2003

For over 30 years my wife and I have shared in public ministry world-wide. On one hand, gossip, slander and the old KJV term "talebearing" have always been rampant in the churches. It's spoken of as sin, and ALL of us, yes, saved Christian people still sin! The more public one is, the more public one's imbalances, slips, actual (real issues the Bible itself calls "sin", not mere human opinion) sins are going to be discovered, discussed and considered. It's reality, like it or not. This is where Christian artists (working in any mode of art) along with preachers, Bible teachers and other public figures have if anything, MORE need for personal accountability than other believers... again, like it or not. Why? Because those of us more in the public eye will not only be larger targets for the devil to use, but the same is true for God and the church. When we love OR sin, it gets passed around as an example that truly affects more people. What about issues beyond "the stumble"? I'm referring to habitual sin in my or your life. Does God care about the examples we set that influence not only non-Christians, but "the little ones" of the church who look to us as role models? In such light, it is simply inexcusable for us to give ourselves the grace we truly ought to give others. My own heart attitude and tongue has to be in serious check before I talk to anyone- even more in a media interview- about another brother or sister in Christ's "sin issues". My own heart toward them- and my prayers for them- must be grounded in God's love and an attitude of grace towards them or I'M sinning even if they never knew it, for God knows my motives. On the other hand, there are times in history when (see king David regarding adultery, murder and Israel's response) the publicizing of gross sin will indeed take place. How do we who are trying to be godly Christians, knowing our OWN sinful behaviors and attitudes respond with God's love and grace? Is silence always the answer? If that were so, Paul would never name names or specific sins in his letters... but on occasion, he does. God demonstrates His love by being quiet sometimes while in other times, He speaks quite clearly... and even publicaly. There is a time for every purpose under heaven. I reject the notion that grace commands silence in all cases, just as I reject the concept that we must always speak up when a public figure falls, for it can and has happened to this or that extent to all of us! Further, the real key is that David not only sinned publicaly, he repented publicaly. He even wrote songs about it and Israel was commanded to sing them! Talk about a man after God's own heart! Years ago my wife was speaking to one of our pastoral team about public vs. private life. The leader in question told her that due to the ministry God had called us to, we no longer -had- a "private life" as such. We belong not only to Jesus Christ, but to the whole Church and to the lost who need to recognize God's touch on our lives. All I can say is, Amen. The tension remains because it's easier to talk about rather than pray for and truly seek God's mercy for those who fall. While it's correct to say and know that "there but for the grace of God go I", receiving and walking in God's grace means growing in loving obedience to Him and His Word. When "known" supposed Christian people blow it, and blow it they/we/I do and will, let's not pretend we don't know what we know: the answer for sin is repentance, not carrying on as though nothing has taken place.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

The sad reality is that all too often we are blessed in a myriad of ways but neglect or ignore the Giver and do not give thanks as we ought. It seems easier to complain to God when we think He's "not fair" and we don't get our way, while when we are showered with kind gifts we simply grab 'em and go on to the next item on our agenda. I'm reminded of the Bible story Jesus told about 10 lepers, all of whom were healed- yet only one came back to give thanks. God is worth more of our communication, gratitude and thanks than that. Let's offer it... daily, for daily He deserves it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

The term "freight", as in "freight train" relates to shipping goods, moving cargo and the like. The old phrase with which I titled this blog simply means that it ain't free! Sooner or later in any and all relationships, there's a cost. Jesus told us (and reminds us from time to time) that there is a cost of being a disciple of His. Following Jesus means NOT following the crowd, and even the Christian crowd can be off-kilter at times, out of balance, even in error, flat wrong. Of course, so can you and I! But the point is this: in prep. for some teaching I'm doing in the near future I began considering spiritual gifts and callings of individuals in a local church context. I've never BEEN in a local church where there weren't really cool, godly people and also at least some pharisees and ornery folks who make life, uh, "interesting" for the rest. And in such a context, it can really be hard to figure out what our spiritual gifts are, much less get the sort of affirmation we need in order to use them in the local body of believers. There are various angles of right and wrong possible in such a scenario, i.e., the pastor or leaders aren't willing to lose their job over you wanting to do this or that in such a place or people; or perhaps you think you have a gift others truly do not think God has given you- either of you could be correct of course; maybe the timing is wrong, or the communication from leadership/yourself/others in the local church is lacking in clarity and/or honesty to where the real problems can be hashed out and decided upon. But hurt feelings are a given, and they are a given NO MATTER WHERE/WHAT/WITH WHOM such issues are raised. Conflict resolution is a hot (and needed) topic in most churches these days, and guess what? Denominational, non-denom., house churches, emerging church forms or lack of 'em won't solve the issues I'm raising here. It's about attitude, patience, forgiveness, good communication skills and in the end, love for your brothers and sisters in Christ- even when you don't get your way on the matter in question. Are YOU up to the maturity process? Are YOU willing to "pay the freight" of serving God and others via your gifts, working with a good heart alongside whomever, wherever in order to see GOD get the glory?! Too many are not... and judge the "others" for not being willing to love God and the local body of believers enough to graciously, humbly work through the issues. The sad reality of this often gets played out by the same people- again in the next church, the next church and the next one after that. Sooner or later- if we're not careful- we finally decide the only satisfactory answer is to build our very own little track... and the problem with that is simply this: as a child's train set, it only goes in circles.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Forms are just that, nothing more, nothing less. Forms of church are of course, a matter of people gathering who claim some affinity to Jesus Christ, who want to/think they must/whatever, come together regularly to hear God's Word, share God's Word, pray, share in prayers, listen to and/or join in song, mission and generally hang out together as they share common interests in all this and in this Person. The -WAY- those gatherings are or are not structured is, in my view, hardly worth consideration in this sense: local gatherings of human beings will always contain sinners, even if they're truly saved sinners! Therefore, blatant bad stuff as well as mistakes will be made. So how do we respond to this? Hopefully with love, mercy, grace, forthrightness and clarity in accord with what the Bible has to say about relationships among humans flawed but nonetheless needy humans who have decided seeking God and iron-sharpening together is more biblical than selfish independance, separation and narcisistic approaches.
Psalm 133 says it so very well: "THERE" the Lord commands the blessing. Not simply where I am, but where WE are!


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