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Thursday, April 26, 2007


The Christian life is all about faith. Not blind faith in the complete sense, but it indeed takes time for -any- relationship to be tested, even a relationship between yourself and God, certainly between yourself and others in some sort of local gathering.

Will God always give you what you want when you want it, the way you want it? Because He's perfect and we're not the answer is of course, "No". Will people? Because of at least two general reasons, it's the same answer, but different...

As people, we sin against one another. God never sins against anyone. We sin against Him, and one another... and this is where trust and faith in others gets very murky and difficult.

We know others have wronged us, and if we're honest we know we've wronged them. But sometimes not getting our way or just the fact that someone asked you to do something/not do something rather than -you- coming up with your own plan of action (or in-action) gets under your skin. It's the "Don't TELL ME what to do!" syndrome. If -you'd- come up with the idea you wouldn't have a hard time with it. Interesting... does this mean there are times you shouldn't trust yourself?

I mean, "It's MY LIFE... let ME mess it up all by myself", right?

That's exactly how many of us felt and lived (if you call that life) before we followed Jesus.

Now hear me- there are and should be healthy boundaries. You of course have free will and think as you choose to think, do or not do what you choose and so on. Unless you're drugged or have a gun put to your head, you think and do as you will. There are benefits and curses no matter which way you go, but whether you make the choice entirely independently or not, it IS your mind, your life and your will. In the end God won't hold others accountable for what -you- choose to do with your life...

So there are indeed mental, sexual and other boundaries. One chooses what sort of dignity one requires in order to get, maintain and grow or reject a relationship. All of us make such choices all the time whether we're conscious of it or not.

At the same time, Jesus said "You will not SEE ME until you say 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord'", so at some point we deal with others offering spiritual guidance. There are certainly false prophets and those who would control and dictate to the sheep, but sometimes if we're honest we just feel like living the "goat" life, know what I mean?

So there are times we aren't interested in input from others purely on the basis of our own selfishness, pride, insecurity or rebellion. I think many in the church would love to argue this point but there isn't one among us including myself who doesn't know the truth of it deep down inside. Every sin we sin comes to rebellion against God, His Word and often, those He sends to help us grow beyond our current spiritual state.

"I send you prophets and teachers... but you would not"! When Jesus spoke these words to a rebellious Jewish nation He spoke them out of love and concern, not rage or a desire to dominate them. Note the free-will factor: "but you would not". Not much has changed. Many in the churches still go their own way simply because it IS their own way... but is it the way of Christ?

Jesus truly speaks through others into my life, and the surest way to know it's His voice and not the voice of a rip-off is to know God's Word fully and to pay very close attention to the Word of God, the attitude of the person(s) and the character, life, interaction with family and the person's -own- sort of accountability at the local church level. If those things are in order, pay attention and you'll learn a great deal of good things that will help you grow a LOT over time. IF such areas are out of order and not solid in their lives, reconsider if they are the sort of people you can begin to risk trust and faith in. In fact, I ask you to please judge righteous judgment toward me by these guidelines -and by the way I'll do the same in your direction, o.k.?

My life is richer due to just such relationships over many years in a local fellowship of Christ-followers. Without it I'd be spinning my wheels and basically running away if not widely distancing myself from God and truths from His Word I cannot rightly deny.

By God's grace, by seeking to live by what I write here, I found my true family in Christ, and I found my true home, at least this side of heaven.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

glenn kaiser

wood quiet
cast over
light misted
bright obscured
slight leaf rustle
nip in air
i wear grey
as a cloak, 'round me

why warmth?
how delight
in dark bark
soil, brush, earth
whence joy
scent rain tonic
deep praise
still, mirth?

a prelude
thin hint
comes knowledge
enters certainty
ever Easter
soon revealed.

Friday, April 06, 2007

glenn kaiser

how could they call this friday

it was just another grind for me
I had nothing to show for it
it was bloody, unkind
yet a dripping not a downpour
in fact a boring rather dingy day among days
in the race of rats

good God it's over
thank God it's friday


(Reprinted from "Unpublished Poetry" at worship/unpublished poetry)


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