The Mundane & The Exotic
Long ago I learned not to trust the exotic- but also to not hide in the mundane. It became clear to me that God moves in extravagant ways as well as within "the typical". That which produces wonder in us is no mystery to Him while that which we consider so banal we judge it without value is powerless to lock His Spirit out.
If, as Paul wrote, "in all things God works for good" how is it we think otherwise?
I've been in the driest Christian gatherings and felt the power of the Holy Spirit move in, hug and heal me just as I've been in the most intense charismatic service and felt next to nothing, noticing little of anything enduring there.
In some gatherings it seemed people did all they could to grieve and quench the Spirit's action and still they could not keep Him from His work- God is like that!
Have you noticed that the dull, mundane tasks often produce the richest service and grow the sweetest fruit in your life? "Give yourselves to humble tasks", or another rendering of that Romans 12 verse is "associate with the lowly". Nothing flamboyant in either- but God is present... is He extreme enough for you?
Ah but the stability that comes from staying in place, being truly grounded, settled, unwilling to jump when the next parade comes to town beating whatever "drum of the month" it brings... that only comes from trusting, seeking and recognizing the presence of God in normal, everyday tasks. The same neighbors, the same place of work, same basic situation cannot shut God out. We simply don't have the power to stop the active Spirit when and where He chooses to work!
Yet there is often great change and excellent fruit due to "new wine skins". Jesus tells us "you will not see Me until you say 'Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the Lord'" -there is great repentance and corresponding maturity for those who love God and their intense brother or sister -more- than their own pet dogma. Those who love His Word and recognize the LIFE of the Holy Spirit flowing in and through others "not like us", who seek and recognize God in the fresh and the new put stagnant believers to shame. To camp out on a spiritual plateau is not the same thing as a godly stability. In fact, it may be rebellion against the very God we say we love most.
Each and all of us need the mundane AND the exotic! We need to recognize God the Holy Spirit Who speaks with "a still, small voice" -and- "as a rushing mighty Wind". He cannot be bound. He will not quit. His love and desire moves Him to move in and through us and produces both fruit and works that honor Jesus and the Father.
He is in the mundane AND the exotic working His will and His desire in your life. That is, IF you truly seek and serve Him regardless.
MacRina Wiederkehr
You may or may not know, but I have always put my ear to a wide variety of writers and speakers throughout my walk with Jesus. We'll of course agree and disagree on various points, but hearing God speak through others is a huge lesson in humility. St. Benedict had a lot to say about that, and I want to intro. you to someone from the Order of St. Benedict. By the way, if you've never had a look at The Rule of St. Benedict, it's worth a read.
I like MacRina's poetry very much. I came across a quote by her through my own studies and was so encouraged by it that I made it the centerpiece of the message this past Sunday.
Have a look and enjoy insights from a Benedictine sister who loves Jesus and has a lot of good things to share with us!
The Problem With "Truth"
Please know I'm only "scratching the surface" of this topic... a bit of thinking out loud here :)
A current Project 12 class is dealing with "truth & perspective", the differences and the way actual truth affects one's perspective and vice-
versa. Deep stuff and worth considering when one cares about life in this world and events that shape it.
On a recent Christian leader's forum exchange these issues came to mind when a discussion of war, pacifism, support or non-support of government X, Y or Z (including Israel) came up as a topic.
Foundational to such discussion (in fact, to all discussions of any depth) is an unspoken question: how does one really ascertain Truth?
Pilate asked "What is truth" in response to Jesus saying He came to bear witness to the truth... and though the living Truth was standing right in front of his nose, Pilate didn't see Him for Who or what He was.
This is such a deep subject that I can hardly begin addressing it in a quick blog such as this, but let me just list some problems that I think get at reasons why many people- including American Christians- aren't always real good at locating God's view, or at least an objective view of what truth really IS in a debate.
Time- Getting at truth means taking time. We don't have it or don't want to spend it gathering -both- or -many- "sides" or angles of information pertinent to the issue/people/question.
Effort- For one to really get "evidence that convicts" the researcher of what the truth truly -is- on a matter, real effort is required. Example: it's being reported that peanut allergies is a growing health concern. Yes or no? How much time and effort will it take to answer this question, and when one answers it to one's satisfaction will one really be able to make the "case" in a court of law?
I.e., ARE there more peanut allergies or are there simply more being reported in our day? How severe are the -majority- of these allergies, as in, getting slightly nauseous is one thing, dying within sixty seconds is another! Where did you get your statistics from and how certifiable were the methods that multiple studies used
to achieve such stats?
Personal or Shared Bias- Maybe you or the people you love or like or at least respect have a strong dislike for peanuts. Perhaps, but if so, -why- don't they like 'em? This is a huge speed-bump when one seeks actual truth on an issue or people group, event, etc..
I recently read a scholar's response to specific writers who cast doubt on the authenticity of the New Testament's pastoral letters, specifically saying they didn't believe Paul actually wrote them. The author's argument (in my view) substantiated that solid, verifiable evidence of such a claim was non-
existent and that Paul indeed did write the letters to Timothy and Titus. He further mentioned that as he researched the critics themselves he had come to believe they built their argument on "theoretical
pre-suppositions", then looked for any shred of "evidence" flawed or otherwise, that would back their claims.
Another example: if one is consistently anti-
Semitic, you may expect one to consistently disagree with the Jews. The casual reader may miss this point and it is a point which ought to bring into question the veracity (truthfulness) of a person's thinking and conclusions.
See what I mean? Getting at The Truth isn't something many are as serious about as they may claim to be.
Certainly there are things that we each feel aren't so important as to be this thorough, but what about matters that deeply affect our lives and the lives of those we love most?
How DOES one claim to believe that "Jesus and His Word IS THE TRUTH" on the basis of real substance as opposed to "I feel Him... and I get a warm rush when I read the Bible"?
A long relationship to God and His Word and the continuing affects they have in my life is my first answer. But it would take me
a looooong time to establish for you exactly how thorough my own research has been.
Perhaps this will begin to help us understand both the importance as well as difficulty of
knowing as well as sharing truth. It also at least begins to explain why we sometimes believe things that are not true, and why there is so much bogus "information" in our world.
Really getting at truth takes a commitment many just aren't willing to make.
OUCH! Well, it's "wait until next year" again in Chicago re. Da Bears! But hey, I never expected 'em to make it to the big game so... And kudos to Tony, their excellent QB and the Colts, they deserved the win. Tony's witness to Jesus was as I expected- outstanding.
Some are wondering about shows- we have a lot right in the wings but have to solidify schedules before we can finalize. But they -will- be added soon as we're set. There are a LOT of places asking for either GKB, myself solo or speaking, so stay tuned... a lot of processing is going on.
We've already had some meetings on Cornerstone Festival and as usual GKB is doing a set in the Gallery and I and some friends will do a blues-based set in the Project12/Grrr Records Tent. We'll post more detail and times as well as Wendi and my speaking schedules at the Festival in this very space about 3 weeks prior to Cornerstone Festival. I'll only say that perhaps 35-40 percent of my own set (w. friends) will be acoustic blues, the other parts a bit more electrified but still "close to the ear" stuff from Bound For Glory, etc..
I am writing a lot for the site as well as posting now and then on and myspace as well. For various reasons I sometimes post a blog or article in one or two of these sites and at other times post in on all of them. Sorry to keep you hopping but just a f.y.i. note there! Sometimes I'll do a blog (like this one) which is more of an "update"... at other times you'll need to click on my Update section here at for such updates... For more info., look in both places for updated info. please.
As of this a.m., our friends in Aurora, IL (a Chicago far west suburb... sort of... well, it's really it's own town but anyhow) dealt with 17 below zero F temps., and the wind chill made it 29 below. BRRRR. In our own room and house at JPUSA you might could roll your own snowman, boiler and space heaters in this huge old building are workin' -hard-! So that's the cold reality. I'm thankful Jesus warms us as He does... God Bless and thanks for your prayers and so many kind emails! -Glenn