Perhaps I'll share with you what on varied scraps of paper are hand written or in some cases typed and printed all around my workspace. These are written reminders for me, collected from various sources. I consider them personally inspiring, relevant, rather convicting and indeed, brilliant. (Well, not my bit of prose, but the rest...)
tonight i took
Feeling chose
not to attend
i sent Fiction
(Feeling's friend)
to visit him. (G.K.)
The ministry of kindness is a ministry which may be achieved by all men, rich and poor, learned and illiterate. Brilliance of mind and capacity for deep thinking have rendered great service to humanity, but by themselves they are impotent to dry a tear or mend a broken heart. (Unknown)
Four Essential Questions:
Who benefits from this?
Who pays for it?
Who owns it?
Who will give account for it?
We do not very often come across opportunities for exercising strength, magnanimity, or magnificence; but gentleness, temperance, modesty, and humility, are graces which ought to color everything we do. There may be virtues of a more exalted mold, but... these are the most continually called for in daily life. -Francois de Sales
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. -Cherokee Proverb
Great artists have always been at the edge of growing awareness about what was happening in any society. They have been not just entertainers, but poets, painters, agitators, teachers and even prophets. It seems their gift to us is to help us see vividly what is taking place around us, to raise our awareness about social conditions, about our natural surroundings, to call for a response to human beauty and tragedy, to help us get inside the skin of others. Perhaps the greatest moments for artists are when they move us towards justice, mercy and compassion. Maybe then they are fulfilling their real destiny as artists and human beings. (Unknown author(s), Tell Magazine, Australia, Sept.-Nov. 1987)
Here is a reminder and directions if you're interested in RSS Feeds (automatic uploads) of my podcasts as they're added. From Nathan Cameron, one of my good friend web guru dudes:
Go to this link:
Click on the "Subscribe to Glenn's Podcasts" button
Click on "add to iTunes" button
If you don't use iTunes click the link "show all subscribing options"
Click on the RSS reader you use
If your RSS reader isn't on the list(such as Google), copy and paste the feed,, into your RSS reader.
There you go!
July 16 Blog and Update-
Home from Cstone we is! But whew, hot in Chicago... thank God for a bit of a.c. in our room or my poor sweet asthmatic wife would be up the creek... well, perhaps styx...
Seems like Cstone broke even (a miracle indeed) and with gas prices and all, it was amazing- and we thank the Lord for this!
So... 2 cancellations in Indiana (unusual, quite rare for us really) but they both had good reasons (one a matter of our lyrics being quite direct methinks, the other a matter of loot/venue issues for the promoter- both understandable) and frankly it's SO good to have a bit of time at home for us. Next stop is Back To Blues Fest near Vancouver, B.C. Canada. Great to see Larry and Darrell and to play on Shannon's excellent Trimmed and Burnin' Amps out there! He also provides guitars so I can just fly a few stomp boxes and relax re. gear packing... a good thing.
I have a lot of podcasts to edit, a lot of typing to do and more to add to the various pages (here, mypace and pages) so will try to update all those sites in the next 2 weeks.
Just accepted a long weekend in Athens, Greece, to speak and do an acoustic blues set there, should be very cool. Greece is one of a few European places we've not yet been to.
Thanks again for prayers, His strength is made perfect in weakness, and it does get tiring to do as much as we do at times... but what a gift and joy to do it!!
Thanks for stopping by :)
Cstone Fest Update
Well, it's the last day at Cornerstone 2006, we've seen a LOT of good people at the Project 12 Tent, had a lot of incredible shows, speaking and just fellowship with people from everywhere... so cool!
Wendi and I buzzed about a fifth of the grounds the first day and counted 24 states represented on license plates... and that was by no means a thorough count. The weather has been arguably the finest in the history of the Fest (from '84 to now is quite a stretch of time). So God has really blessed us.
So many great momemnts... and today I take a load of pics. Not to mention that one of the soccer tournament teams (with about half JPUSAs on it) made the final today... I'm hopin' to watch the match. Gold or silver will do... but here's hopin', heh!!
I hope your summer is as full and excellent as ours is proving to be.
The pre-fest Tuesday set went well as did the GKB and last night's worship at Mainstage as well as P12 Tent with my sweet daughter Ami Moss. My daughter Rebecca's band (Murderin' Cannons) plays tonight so we'll be there for that, and all-in-all it we're super busy but really thankful and blessed for all the people, the kindness and the intense moments. Sometimes you get to live history, and I'm not kidding, this is part of it all.
A couple bros. I've met in Iceland (Westmann Islands) walked up and greeted me on Tuesday night! How cool!! What a festival!
Love and Hugs from Glenn @ Cstone Farm, Bushnell, IL
O.K., I'm late -but I'm AT Cstone Festival and it's rockin'... as is my schedule!
So if you're at the Fest or coming, here's what I'm doing for fairly sure, where and when. Consult the Fest Program for more details.
Already did the Beach Stage (last night) featuring "Bound For Glory" songs-
TUES. 9-10 p.m.
GKB Set is at The Gallery- THURS. 10:10-11:10 p.m.
My daughter Ami Moss and I, with a djembe player will lead worship at
Project 12 Tent FRI. 10-11 p.m.
Fri. 6 p.m. I'll lead a brief worship time at mainstage
Glenn Kaiser & Tom Cameron- MUSIC, MUSICIANS & MINISTRY
11-12 a.m. on THURS. FRI. SAT. (July 6, 7, 8)
THU- MM&M "Gatekeepers, Vision & The Company Store"
FRI- MM&M "Gorilla Recording- Digital Dreams"
SAT- MM&M "WWW Indie Musicians Unleashed"
Glenn & Wendi Kaiser at Christians for Biblical Equality
"35 Years of Mutuality in Ministry" CBE Tent 3-3:50 p.m.
I will also speak a couple times at Project 12 tent but that'll be
posted just outside and inside the tent (These are -not- listed in
the Fest program)
Currently, my thinking is that I'll schedule hangout times at
the P12 Tent as follows:
WED 5th-
7-9 pm Glenn @ Project 12 tent (hanging out)
THU 6th-
1-3 pm Glenn @ Project 12 tent (hanging out)
FRI 7th-
Glenn 12-2 pm Project 12 tent (hanging out)
SAT- 8th-
Glenn- after church service until the cows come home, at Project 12
tent... AND who knows, I may do an acoustic blues set later in the evening...??!