Before I begin here, I want to emphatically state that what I'm about to say isn't directed toward anyone in particular. There are a few folks I love who have made foolish choices, any of whom may see my words and think to themselves "he's writing about ME". Well, not really. There are unfortunately, many people who fit the profile and in my view, need to think through what follows.
This has been on my heart to write for about six months- here it is:
In a recent discussion with a Christian leader about a person we both care deeply about, this bro. made a comment something like: "He's years older than this in reality, but he still makes decisions like he's fifteen and single. And he likes it that way".
I told him that I couldn't agree more.
Living like travelling salesmen (who also need to think about what they're doing spiritually), musicians who never attend any real accountability group, never link up simply as human beings in a local fellowship, never really settle down because of any number of reasons... sooner or later the "bottom falls out". It's not a matter of IF we're going to be tempted, it's a matter of when.
Yet these people choose to sign contracts, spend their lives on the road, deal with people treating them like gold/celebrities... well, I suppose one could get used to that sort of treatment and not want to go home or work a day job.
"Home" means the same old wife, water under the bridge in a relationship, perhaps kids, bills to pay, trouble. It means folks in a local church get to really know you. Not safe. It's better living like you're a mid-teenager with few cares, a little chip on your shoulder, consider yourself bulletproof and just keep on the run.
Growing up is hard to do. But it's essential. And those who hit their mid-twenties, thirties, forties and fifties who continue to make self-serving choices, living "off the land" of kind and often star-struck (yes, even in the Christian churches) fans will tragically cause not only themselves but their marriages, kids, the Christian church and ultimately, even their witness to pre-believers to question the validity of their lives- and worse, the Gospel. Why?
Talent doesn't EVER equal spiritual maturity. Never. Nada.
Good looks and the ability to tell funny stories don't equal love for God and people- ever.
Surface talk, surface lyrics, even deeper confessional lyrics SANS real remorse, repentance and restoration just don't bake the cake.
There are too many men and women I've known and know who claim to be Christians, many of whom have little good to say about the church, ANY Christian church, who themselves are simply adults living as though they were about fifteen years old. The trail of tears they've left in their wake is testimony enough of the foolishness of their choices. Some will call me a legalist or one without understanding or simply one needing a soft and true revelation of grace simply because of the things I say about this topic.
To those who would criticize my fairly life-long message, calling for biblical repentance, discipleship and committment to the Lord, the local church and their families (and the sad lack of these in too many cases) I ask this: exactly what are you doing to love, serve and bring healing to the spouses and children left behind? Considering your own critique of how the church handles these sad situations, perhaps you'd like to join a team having to do so? How have you responded to bring the grace of repentance and restoration to those artists who have continued to make such ungodly messes of their lives?
In other words, throw down or leave the table. I'm tired of hearing about a love and grace that you apparently don't know how to offer to those most in need of it. Change is hard, takes time, isn't always a pleasant process.
Love is a command, not an option. Forgiveness is equally a command of the Lord. So is repentance! When we refuse to grow up, or continue to dilute truth in our relationships by our commitment to simply fulfill our own desires, what can we expect but disaster?
On one side of these "train wrecks" that happen so often, we have pharisees, hard-nosed "kick the bums" believers who really disqualify themselves. They're a lot like "Job's friends" who had nothing of real help to offer the person in question. On the other side we have "sloppy agape" believers, friends who don't understand nor agree with anything that calls the weak and sinful person to account, to truly repent. Both do nothing to solve the problem and the problem, no matter how you dress it up, is sin.
There are plenty of sin-lists in the New Testament, written to churches. You and I don't need to create any. Neither are you or I the "cops" of the church! So, what to do?
Prayer is essential. Listening to the person/people is essential. Knowing the Bible well enough (having experience applying it helps!!) to quote relevant passages, appealing to a person's conscience may help. Knowing other godly people whom the person might listen to might help.
In the end, it's always the individual's choice as to what they will or won't do. None of us are Lord OR Savior. These are not our job!
But it's neither kind, loving or biblical to serve a deeply sick thirty, forty or fifty year-old a fifteen year-old meal. When they've about destroyed their life, marriage and everything else, perhaps (and this is but one part of the picture that often emerges) due to their refusal to do anything other than travel and music... sooner or later the music must be faced for what it truly is.
Grace and mercy must be accepted as they are, not as we would like them to be.
I have been thinking a great deal about God's faithfulness.
My first concern is never whether He will be faithful to me/us, but rather whether I/we will be faithful to Him in our thoughts, words, choices, daily walk. But if you know me, you know that's a central concern and will always be.
Free will gets us in trouble because we are so often caught up in our own version of what's "good"... and it often just plain ain't! Even if it's good, is it best? We must trust that God has what's best in His mind for us. The first point in our faithfulness to God is faith IN God's faithfulness to His Word and to His people.
But (as usual) I digress...
Most Christians would say it's a given that God is faithful. If He's not, then He's not trustworthy. If we cannot trust God Who Himself IS Truth, Who in His own character and dealings with His people always does exactly as He says, and Who though entirely just is also entirely gracious and merciful, always seeking our best... how is it we so often judge Him as UNfaithful?
Seems to me it's due to our own agendas. If things we deem "negative" are involved in the situation, if there is a pain factor involved, if our prayers aren't immediately answered or maybe just don't get what we want, we may fall into a place of judging Him to be unfaithful.
and it isn't happening"! Therefore, we feel like He's not keeping His promises to us on the issue in question. We judge God, we serve notice that He's not all we expected Him to be.
At this very intersection people backslide, quit reading the Bible, stop praying, leave the church, often avoid serious believers and many never return to actually follow Him. They basically blame God for their dissatisfactions.
This such a common scenario I doubt anyone could reasonably argue the point.
So HOW can God be faithful in the light of my pain and distresses?
I would answer in this way:
Does the sun shine AND rain fall on both kind and horrific people?
Did/does Jesus offer God's love and mercy only to the loving and compassionate?
On some future morning will you or I wake up, realizing that WE -ARE- GOD??
Of course my take on the first two questions is simply yes. My response to the last one is an absolute NO.
If you truly believe the answer to the last question is "Yes", then I pose another question to you:
How perfectly faithful is God- if in fact, YOU are God?
Not very satisfactory is it?
The true and only God has revealed Himself in His Word, throughout history and in my personal life as totally faithful... but I don't always like His way of doing things, nor His allowing painful experiences in my life. I'm not always a cheerful giver, a thankful and loving son to Him, nor a faithful follower. My problem is not God's faithfulness to me, His Word or His Church.
Real contentment doesn't come from me, I'm not the source of that. Neither does it come from God "jumping though my hoops", i.e., doing as I think He should.
Real satisfaction comes from knowing- experiencing God's faithfulness in His constantly being with me, working though me, revealing His love and compassion to me IN those difficult moments of life when I wonder "which end is up"!
When nothing and almost nobody else is constant, consistent and trustworthy... God has long proven Himself to be all those to me... and so much more!
(at http://www.glennkaiser.com)
For those who have been wondering at the somewhat sorry state of glennkaiser.com, (my website) it will be updated in full, and fairly soon.
We have some good folks working on it as I type. I've seen and approved the direction, look and feel and I'm excited! There will be a lot of updated info., new video and music features and a boatload of fresh input available for you when it's launched. "When"?
We hope within the next 2-3 weeks. Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Having fun recently with Ubuntu Linux on an old laptop. Puppy Linux on my desktop (with Opera browser). Playing around some with Dosemu (Dos emulator) within Linux for some old dos programs I have. Enjoying a number of free Bible programs in html, just download and open in any browser, very cool and fast. Having great fun with a couple variations of VNC by which one can view and manipulate one computer from another.
I'm about to play with some clustering distributions of Linux whereby one can link X number of old computers and create a "super computer". Such an animal means that when one is at whatever number of terminals/keyboard/monitors in the system and loads a program, all the motherboards/ram/power is taken for that program from all the machines in the little network, thereby getting optimal speed and power from all at once! Pretty cool. And again, all of this is using old, outdated stuff often relegated to landfills. All operating systems are free (or dirt cheap on cds) and open-source software written by geeks who love what they do and aren't simply in it for the money.
I've come to really love Morphix and it's parent, Knoppix. Several Knoppix and Morphix "live" cd and dvd distros are out (free or very cheap via the web) and are superb on both old and new computers. I've found on several occasions that when no other operating systems would load, I could get one or the other (Knoppix or Morphix live cds) to boot off of the cdrom, find the network card (nic) and just go!
It is truly amazing how many cool and useful programs (games, even) are loaded onto these Linux distros. Puppy Linux is the one I always seem to return to, but oh the joy of creativity :)
Actually, Miles Newman was in truth, known by a LOT of people in ministry throughout Chicagoland.
His story was featured on Moody Radio's "Unshackled" Program, yet he represents so many who have been so greatly used of the Lord... yet whom most believers will only hear about and finally get to meet in heaven.
I was not able to attend his memorial service last night, but was blessed to attend his funeral home-going today.
The family and friends numbered around 60 people, but he ministered to many hundreds, and I'm safe to say, thousands over the years via his long life of service. By speaking, pastoring and passing out of many tons of food and other items to needy ministries all over Chicago who in turn serve thousands of needy people, he was definitely a gift and blessing to many!
Miles was a follower of Jesus, the Messiah. He had lost both parents by the age of nine, due to despair, yet God's grace, he survived two suicide attempts and finally sensed the presence of God at a third.
A man for whom he worked witnessed to him and invited him along to temple, which was a gathering of about one hundred Jewish followers of Jesus Christ.
I lost count of how many times Mr. Newman showed up at our back door with a truckload donation of milk, yogurt and other goods that not only fed us (Jesus People) but also many others whom we shared the food with.
He was a dynamo of strength, love for God, a caring servant who I will never forget.
Suffering several strokes in his later years, Mr. Newman (which we all called him out of love and respect) kept his focus on his Lord as well as his loving wife and five children.
It was my pleasure to know him.
What strikes me is that people like Mr. Newman- though we wouldn't perhaps consider them "famous"... have been deep and lasting testimoies that bring me personally both the continuing conviction as well as encouragement to walk with God and share Him boldly.
I'm certain he rests with Jesus in joy... just as surely as he spent himself for His Messiah and the people of God in this life.
Above all Mr. Newman was a servant. May the same be said about you and I at our passing!