Whew! ""Whew"" is a word I often find myself saying and even typing in emails these days. Summer is a time of travel for GKB, myself and Wendi and occasionally, just myself.
I'm writing this on an Icelandair flight to Keflavik, Iceland. When landed, the band takes it's gear and luggage to a hotel in Reykjavik for a long sleep. Early evening we will board a flight from Reykjavik to the incredibly beautiful Faroe Islands for
a show at the G! Festival and a couple other shows, some speaking and interviews.
This trip I am without my beloved Wendi, so hopefully neither Roy (also sans
his wife on the tour) and I won't snore one another awake as we will sometimes
share a room!
Eleven days from now we touch down in Chicago- home sweet home. I will hang out with my family and some close friends, do laundry, meet with my fellow pastors and then take one of my grandsons to meet up with my wife where we will share a few days of
During evenings I will help settle our grandson and then do some computer work
as well as devotions with Wendi. We'll enjoy one another, watch a few movies
and catch up on things important to us as well as sharing my photos of the tour.
My life is a series of shifts. I move from constants of being son of my heavenly
Father-husband-dad-grandfather to musician-pastor-evangelist-teacher and of course, friend and simply a brother in Christ to all who love and truly respect Him and His Word. But there are times I find myself gasping for air. I don't mean that there is anything seriously wrong, just that the schedules can get a bit hectic at times.
In these, our peak travel times each year I can on occasion feel less excited than tired, feeling a touch worn, and yep, even feeling a bit sorry for myself. Then I pray, hear the typical sunshine in my wife's voice, read the volumes of email laced with kind, affirming words about how this or that song, cd, show, speaking event, festival or simple email exchange or one-on-one chat has managed to help draw someone closer to Jesus or to rekindle someone's spiritual flame... and I repent. I KNOW a lot of people wish they had my job, the love and grace of the Christian community I get to live in, the exotic travel and such. But it truly can be- at times- taxing work. You haven't lived until you go- as a musician- through customs and immigration in New York!
Frankly, I relate to and deeply LOVE small towns. We do a lot of concerts and speaking in places many just don't go to. It's a blessing to me, and often the spiritual fruit is even more pronounced in out of the way places in the Midwest and elsewhere in the world.
But I admit I've said it alot- whew! It's true. I'm amazed. I seem to live five lives at once, some days seemingly containing 36 hours of relationships, service,
interaction with God and so many others. I've never felt my life dull, never has it seemed boring or routine, that's for sure!
I struggle with the concept of seeking out a secretary or personal assistant for a number of reasons. With all I'm doing and the amount of email I get, I may eventually resort to that... dictation and such. But I so desire personal communication with people who wish it with me. And of course confidentiality is important with a fair bit of the people and information of their lives that I must deal with.
Wendi is a great gift as wife and best friend, certainly also as a booking person. I could never survive with having to deal without her gifts and those of my friends in JPUSA and on the Grrr Records staff as well!
In any case, I confess to occasional whining- but I'm well aware of the grace of God, the immediacy of (and my absolutely necessary reliance on) the Holy Spirit. I pray a lot, read the Word and devotionals a lot and stay in accountable relationship with my pastoral colleagues. I deeply enjoy and am graced with my wife's attention and companionship, the love and support of my family and church. That's how I maintain and keep the pace.
I also find spots of rest, sport and hobbies (which you can read about on my website) which help keep me sane.
But I have the sneaking suspicion that it is God the Holy Spirit and the prayers of the saints that truly hold me in health, safety and peace.
I'm deeply grateful and more than a little aware of the Spirit -and- those prayers!! So that's the report from 33,000 feet.
Dinner is being served. Next comes the Word of God. Then perhaps more writing, prayer and planning, maybe even a nap. This time of year in the far north, the sun is rarely below the horizon... very sweet indeed.
I have gotten a bit of encouraging email recently, re. how folks seem to like the blogs... so more are on the way but due to overseas tours and other work I haven't had time to post them though I've written a lot... so stand by! I think I'll be posting about six new blogs as well as placing more stuff on/updating my website. Thanks for stopping by! -Glenn