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Saturday, May 21, 2005


Glenn & Wendi Kaiser will anchor "Project 12", a ten-month JPUSA-based Christian Discipleship Intensive in Chicago.

Project 12 is a response to the challenges of 21st century issues blending Bible courses, community/relationship training, interactive mentoring, and mission experience with an overall dollop of the arts crowning the entire year. Launch date: Sept. 15, '05.

For more information please go to the Project 12 Website: or Email:

Friday, May 20, 2005


A bro. at JPUSA asked me for some input re. music ministry today. He's a good bro. who loves Jesus and wants to get it right.

I tried to encourage him to prayer, Bible study and mentioned a number of books and articles that might encourage him and perhaps stir deeper thought. Then I told him to be patient, and that in the end we have to step out on faith and trust God one day at a time, step by step, just noticing God in the "mundane", in the everyday scheme of things. To miss God in the moment is such a shame, because we then get caught always looking for the grand entry while miracles and real moving of the Spirit are taking place right under our nose.

Finally I asked him to remember it often takes quite a bit of time for a musician to find his or her "voice". That particular style, use of vibrato, particular tone and attack and approach can take even take... years. Building callouses on one's fingers turns a lot of potential guitarists away from the guitar, but the seemingly boring and even painful excercises are precisely what bring us to a level of proficiency we'd never have gotten to if we hadn't worked to learn those fundamental, rudimentary things.

The same goes for preachers, preaching and teaching. It may take years to find one's "voice", one's best delivery of The Song (The Truth). That's o.k., God is more patient than we are. It may help to note that patience and faith are both fruits of the Spirit... and fruit grows over time, not overnight.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


First, there is no such thing as "Christian music". There are biblical, Christian ideas, concepts, worldviews and positions on various topics, etc., that surface in LYRICS of songs, sometimes written by believers and sometimes penned by those who are not followers of Christ. In a sense we can say that these somehow denote the given song or collection of songs is "Christian music".

Arranging sound waves, chord and melody structures and beats this way or that do not make the song "Christian". There may (and have been) groups of people in various times and places where there is a "gospel music" style or sub-style of music, a pronounced "sound" that reminds someone of church or Christian experience. The "black gospel" sound is one example of what I'm referring to here. But there is no such thing as Christian MUSIC as such. There is no style so particular and unique that it somehow holds direct connection to Jesus or the Church.

Further, not all who write, arrange, produce, perform or otherwise play a part in the distribution of music are saved, gifted by the Holy Spirit as evangelists, pastors or teachers. Does this nullify the lyrics, the music, the art or even the ministry impact a given song or CD full of songs might have? I don't think so. God is not bound by what His people do or don't do.

At the same time, there are those who are in many cases rightfully worried and saddened by the lack of Jesus somehow surfacing in the lyrics and worse, lifestyles of many so-called Christian musicians. I understand and agree with many of their concerns.

Great art does not equal great spirituality. Great spirituality is often (thankfully not always) removed from great art or great artists.

Every good and perfect gift comes from God, from God Himself! The problem is varied as to how and why many who produce art have often disassociated themselves from any clear proclamation of the Good News or even mention of Jesus Christ, though they themselves may truly be followers of His and committed to a Bible-teaching local church?

What to do?

Pray. Talk. Take care to not simply criticize and gripe or preach damnation on those immature or self-serving Christians who are in some way creating music. Build godly relationships with musicians in need of loving, hopefully maturing Christians who can encourage their spiritual growth and hopefully gently but directly nudge them towards a more balanced mature approach to living for Jesus rather than living for an industry that is less concerned about God and neighbor than image, profit and unit sales.

Relationships, right relationships of love and trust- are not always easy to come by in the best churches. God help us if we leave those out who influence a culture without the light of Christ at it's core! Some of you are being called to lay your lives down for an artist sorely in need of such loving input. It's your move.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Yeah... that's right, it's a reaaaalllllyyyy cool thing, all the time, HA!

I do love popping those balloons that so many hold up about being in a band and on tour!

Let's see, what did I do today? Well first off, sat in a van for a little over 800 miles of driving between the last show and Cornerstone Festival here in Orlando, Florida. Mind you I was fairly comfortable but it was a long trip to be sure.

So Wendi and I got to sleep around 3:30 a.m. last night.

Today I got up about 10:20 in the morning, brushed teeth, ate a low-carb bar and had a couple coffees. Sat by the pool and chatted, hopefully encouraged several friends, one of whom is battling cancer. It was good fellowship.

I went back upstairs after hitting the treadmill for a good long walk... and kissed Wendi goodbye as she and the guys went to set up our CD's and stuff over at the Fest while I did work here today.

Showered, shaved (well, the top half of my face!) and began doing a slew of emails that had piled high. Did a fair bit of praying. Studied the Seminole Indians of Florida on the Web here at the hotel. Watched a bit of news. Had a peanut butter sandwich. Worked off and on with the email, doing quite a bit of ministry work there, and then worked on more details of a new discipleship training schedule we're going to launch this autumn at JPUSA in Chicago.

Tried to fax some info. to some friends but their machine wasn't taking the faxes, so quit after 3 tries, emailed 'em and hopefully I can fax tomorrow...

Gathered our laundry together. Put new strings on my lapsteel for tomorrow's show at Cstone. Went over my notes for tomorrow's seminar, which I'll do a bit more of before bed tonight.

Saw an email from a national mag. writer who is doing a book on Christian rock asking for an interview. I phoned his cell and we'll chat tomorrow.

I never did leave the hotel for food, and when Wendi came in it was 9 p.m., so I just ordered some hot wings (that's chicken wings for you overseas readers who may not know) then finished washing, drying and folding our laundry.

Wendi was truly tired from her long day and went right off to sleep tonight.

So now I finish this blog, one more look at the notes for the seminar tomorrow- on how to keep on the spiritual path with Jesus in a world going the other direction- and then off to bed.

So there you go, a day in the life on the road... nothing all that inspiring 'eh?!

That's the real world! But I had a productive day and I know that Jesus loves me and is with me even as I do these things. Tomorrow I spend a bit of time on a stage, but it's the people that I love to see.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


That was what the bumper sticker said as we noticed it driving out of Chicago on the tour from which I now write.

I agreed, that's a true statement. If it's the real God, the true God, the only God. Jesus said in John 14.6 that He is the way, truth and life. He said "No one comes to the Father but by Me". Hmmmm. So I guess this phrase is only true IF we know the true God. Eternal life, real life in His prescence with all His people, that's only via faith in Jesus Christ.

But what struck me also is that I've often "won" because of God's grace. Good things happen to bad people, bad things also happen to good folks, but in fact Christians also go through difficult and wonderful times, just like all human beings. But sure, I've won in many senses of the word, and won often.

YET- it's not that I can WIN with Him, the deal for me (and I suspect many reading this) is how to LOSE with Him.

I think losing is far easier with The Comforter, The Counsellor, the Holy Spirit Who ministers the grace of God to believers. Followers of Jesus Christ know Him and hopefully not only know Him but are filled WITH Him. We learn to go to Him when the wall leaps out and smacks us... as it often does in sickness, bad economic times, troubles with sin in our family, in our own life.

Of course Jesus said that we must deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily... (sound like "winning" to you??) and follow Him. He said if we'd LOSE our life for His sake and for the sake of the Good News, the Gospel, that we'd find true life.

So it's in losing, not "winning" in the classical use of the word, that we truly win.

Maybe I'll design a bumper sticker that says:

Through Jesus I'm learning to lose (my selfish life)...
In Him I've won eternal life
Love, Peace and Joy regardless of circumstances!

Nahhh... too long... not catchy enough. But oh how true!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


What Kaiz Looks For in a Congregation... Part Two

A recent discussion brought to mind what I've posted before on my
website and, perhaps, here in the blogsite... can't recall and I
don't have time to check at the moment :)

For years now people have asked me if there are other Christian
communities, or in the old days, Jesus People like us... and of
course, the answer was and is, yes -and- no!

Like any large group of Christians much less the whole Christian
Church on earth, the deal is that it really depends on the
individual people, the general local congregation, the pastor or
leadership team and such- as to who's a jerk and who's loving, who's
fairly bibical and who's more in love with a given tradition, etc.,

One group of
are cool and the next may be a nearly total wash.

The person I was conversing with said they felt impatient with slow
change processes in churches to move beyond their comfort zones.
Here is a slice of my commentary on that:

"I hear you and agree- and of course any/all congregations
regardless of their culture/subculture/etc. are all rather tempted
to a "comfort zone" mentality.

I know of (and have heard and rebuked) a fair number of people who
about HATE the very best manifestation of a local church in their
area and refuse to either start one themselves or join that one due
more to their own "comfort zone" than anything else.

For years people have said they'd rather not bother if it isn't like
going to (our) Cornerstone Festival. Sorry- I have patience but
nearly zero tolerance for that attitude (not saying -you- have it,
don't think that's what I mean here!!!) because what they're telling
me- after a good deal of questioning on my part, is that they really
aren't COMFORTABLE with the culture, "style" of preaching, service,
music and such.

I KNOW this may sound weird, but for the most part, I just don't
care about any of that. It's all just surface to me.

I'm not saying I don't have MY comfort zones or preferences, I
surely do, yet- the issue is if the leaders AND at least a decent
minority of the congregation are truly seeking Father, Son and
Spirit, are searching/teaching/preaching and trying in good
conscience to apply the Book of God to their daily choices and
relationships. If they do have a statement of faith and basic
doctrinal positions, mission statements and such, that they're
actually trying (mind you, not necessarily making huge inroads,
wildly producing fruit or the like) to live them out. If all this is
in place, and they're generally open-hearted, good-attitude sorts of
folks, I'm in! The rest is gravy.

I mean, to me, for me, JPUSA (the fellowship I serve on the
leadership team with) is exactly this. It has plenty of holes,
flakes and a fair bit of cluelessness as well as plain old sin in
it, just like any group of Christians. But again, people's music,
hair styles and even most preaching styles are simply NOT -content-
nor all that much even addressed in the New Testament so...

I'm not saying every Christian should simply dig every flavor of ice
cream and that's that, I'm saying I personally am not hardwired to
one or two flavors "or I ain't buyin' it"!!

I do think there'd be a lot more peace, productive spiritual growth
and outreach, and a lot less complaining in congregations if more
people had more of this sort of view of things, but I'm no fool
about that happening any time soon.

I agree local churches typically change REAL slowly. There are a lot
of reasons, many quite sensible as to why that is, but that's sure
another post, heh"!

Immediately after I wrote this, I read the next and final paragraph
of my friend's post:

"...until I look at myself and therein lies the problem".

My response to that:

"Wow. You sure went for it here! I must say that mostly, that's my
problem too: "me".

Well, I love the Book of Acts phrase, "And GREAT grace was upon them
ALL"(my emphasis)".

It was an interesting discussion, one worth having I think.

My final comment in this particular blog re. that grace for when the
church drives us nuts:

We sure need it, and we sure need to pass more of it on, especially
when folks don't do it the way we want it done.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005



I was the youngest, by eight years, of three kids in a home that
began (at least, began) with a Mom and a Dad. My parents, brother
and sister were largely but not entirely responsible for my welfare.
It's the "not entirely" part that I'm focused on now.

My mentors/disciplers/accountability people/pastors are largely (but
less than my parents, perhaps -more- like my actual bro. and sis.
when I lived at home) responsible for a measure of my spiritual
welfare, noticing when I'm hitting the wall, perhaps even if I'm
doing goofy economic stuff which would affect myself and my family,
etc.. I believe this is not unreasonable.

Of course, the question of how much they know/can know/what I let
'em know/what they can substantiate about my life and choices all
loom large in how they discern and work/don't work with me for my
benefit and that of my family.

Should the poor man be given tools AND basic needs for his life,
family and such, to get off the floor and sustain fruitful life?
Absolutely. For how long, with what stipulations and at what point
does the person(s) helping with X assistance say "Bro., let's help
you get schooling, training, a solid job, a safe place to live" and
so forth, as opposed to allowing them to simply hang out and do the
"kid at home with a full fridge which the parents stock" sort of

This poses MANY questions and answers and I do not think "one size
fits all".

The Christian community and our various outreach ministries deal and
have dealt with such things for many years. The problems and
solutions are available daily to those who choose to get directly
involved. But it ain't so simple when we -all- face the limits of
our resources. All but God, are indeed limited.

Further, some demand what they ought not, others don't ask for as
much as they truly need. It takes a closer look to know, discern,
give what you should to the particular person/people. It's this that
I think many in the Christian church don't really deal with all that
much. So it's easy to just get bummed or truly angry. Neither rank
anger -or- self-pity work the righteousness and love of God into
society. Giving up isn't an option for a serious disciple of Jesus

In point of fact, I was responsible for my own repentance and
certainly in part, spiritual growth. It indeed happened (and is
still happening) when I submitted to wise, gracious AND challenging
folks who gently but firmly led me down the biblical path of growth.

It was about me wanting, needing to change- taking personal
responsibility for my own decisions and actions. That was my choice,
nobody else's. It's the same today as when I was first saved.

When I was very young, I was fed. As I got older, I learned how to
feed myself, then cook, then feed others. I have a friend who does
deep-fried turkey... and from experience I can say Tommy has got all
this down to an art!!

I often tell older bros. and sisters in our fellowship that by now,
they've learned to do their own Bible studies, use a concordance,
basically do the hard work of books, commentaries, online web
research and etc., and don't need me or other leaders to do their
work/study/thinking -for- them. I think that's maturity, a mark of
discipleship in Jesus.

Monday, May 02, 2005



GKB had a great show the other night, packed house, very kind and

As often happens, there were a couple interesting guys, one to my
left, the other to my right. In between songs the bro. on my left
heckled, made comments about me being a hypocrite due to talking
about sin as I did, specifically re. Christians sinning. The poor
bro. on my right began to chime in cuz the first guy was, and this
fella was just plain drunk out of his mind.

I ended up having to speak directly to the bro. on my left who
wasn't making sense, much less being "in order" on the evening, but
he rather kept it up.

A bit later as I was about to preach, I tried to say with love yet
directness, that if folks weren't quiet during the message, I'd be
sorry yet would have to ask them to leave. I also told both fellas
to come see me and chat after the show, that'd I be happy to hear
and talk with them about anything they'd like to discuss.

At the conclusion of the message a number of people prayed to follow
Jesus, recommit their lives to Him, and so forth.

There were a load of old friends, some new ones and just a -lot- of
folks chatting with us. The drunken man quietly left though I
reminded him to come see me if he wanted to talk. The other guy had

Just as we were about to hop in the vehicles and head home, the more
lucid guy re-appeared.

In short, he told me I had a lot to learn, and that though he
sinned, it was never "purposely, by choice". He told me he'd
repented the moment he got saved, and that was that. So I asked him
if he only "made mistakes" seeing that he clearly believed a
Christian could be literally "sinless"? He refused to answer me
after I repeated the question and waited for him to respond. In
short, continued in the contentious manner he had been in that

The saddest part of such situations isn't even (and it's truly sad!)
the person's own sense of deception or doctrinal error, nor even
that others might believe such things, nor even the person's
rudeness or being out of order. The real problem is that in a
setting where so many very young believers, a lot of backslidden
Christians and even worse, unbelievers have shown up to hear music
and some Good News sometimes have to deal with believers who are
determined to rant, "act out" and generally prophesy- as though the
Holy Spirit only speaks through them.

I doubt this bro. would agree with me showing up in the park as he's
addressing a crowd if I'd do to him what he did that night. But I
also think he may have had some basic mental/emotional issues. Well,
God knows. We just have to protect people in such situations, and
recognize that God isn't the author of confusion but peace.

But the punchline was when I asked him who he was accountable to. He
instantly said "Jesus. Nobody else". I told him that was quite
unbiblical, quoted a load of verses that clearly state we are all
called by God Himself, to submit to one another as well as to older
believers, etc., but he would have none of it.

It was the age-old "I demand you hear and submit to me and my words,
but I will never submit to others and their words" and of course "I
have the deeper truth in Christ, you don't, and that's that" sort of

Too many folks like this have nobody to pray for them, nor people
gracious but direct enough to love AND challenge them re. the
fallacy of their position. BOTH of us need more "fruit of the
Spirit", i.e., God's love, and greater patience with those we
disagree with.

I'm praying for Brian... and I hope he's praying for me as I asked
him to at the end of the night.

I got an email from a bro. telling me how loving we were in dealing
with the situation, but I'm certain I could have been more loving
and kind too.

In any case, God's grace (as I preached that night) is something to
be shared, not simply believed. Loving "the least of these" is akin
to loving Jesus... and I want to do that more and better!

Of course, it may be that I never sinned at all that night... just
made a mistake here or there :) :) :)


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