For those who may not know, "open source" is among other things, a revolution that has been ongoing for quite some years in the computer community, largely based on a concept of shared information between programmers who are more concerned with solid and stable as well as creative concepts in their machines.
Popularity and money-making isn't at the heart of the open source movement, though both elements surface often enough.
Linux and a couple other operating systems are at the heart of this world-wide group of tech people, and for the record, I've been a fan and user of various flavors of Linux for many years.
But the point of this blog is two-fold:
I have spent (with some help from my geek buddies) a few days trying to rid my wife's computer from massive viruses which have crippled her ministry/business/gaming to the utmost- and this due to computer magnates who have consistently offered popularity rather than stability and solidly secure operating systems to the marketplace. In short, because of design flaws and the typical rush to sell ever-newer technology, bells and whistles to the masses, huge flaws in the BIG SYSTEM my sweet wife has gotten addicted to (with most of the rest of the world) are regularly exploited by hackers, thus the pain factor of trying to get to corrupted files from a corrupted system on a corrupted hard drive is mine!
I think I have finally... no, let me be more accurate- I think the Dude and staff of the BIG COMPANY OPERATING SYSTEM due to their flawed product have finally driven her to go for an OS that simply isn't as broken out of the box, as easily or often compromised, and in the end, does most all she wants to boot.
Speaking of boot, that's exactly what we're about to give to the current sloperating system on her drive! I am SO THANKFUL there are alternatives, indeed BETTER and more STABLE and SECURE alternatives to the popular/corrupt slop passing for "good enough" out there! Long live Open Source! And for that matter, Linux, BSD and other great alternatives to what is often called an operating system. In reality, to be called an operating system, one would suppose it would indeed operate. All too often, it just doesn't.
Goodnight Bill.
I was recently branded a heretic in a public meeting (well... that is, I and a few friends, male and female were together called such) by a bro. who I trust was thinking he was doing God and others service by calling us such.
We were rebuked for voicing a shared view that women and men are fully equal in life generally, in leadership in the church and in marriage in particular.
After quoting the entire Ephesians 5 passage on the link between marriage and the relationship of Christ and the church, I emphasized the beginning contextual phrase "submit yourselves one to another out of reverence for Christ". Sadly, that was entirely overlooked as the bro. in question focused on "wives submit yourselves to your own husband as to the Lord". Both are true, but equally true is the fact that God calls us (read that first phrase again please) to yield to whomever is hearing God and most biblical on the given decision.
The problem is simply who gets to BE the authority in the moment. The answer is- whomever is obedient to the Lord, whomever is actively loving God and neighbor rightly at such time, whichever person truly has the Word of the Lord on the issue. Whether one has a male or female body is no indication that God is automaticaly pleased with the chosen road!
So... I am thankful for the young man calling me out. It was one more opportunity to discuss the real issue at the core of these debates: do we love or do we simply demand our way based on a mis-read of Scripture? We all have plenty of chances to respond this side of heaven. God help us respond in accord with His WHOLE Word and in love, not simply on the basis of our personal desire.