Tuesday, September 30, 2003
The Bible says we all often sin with what we say, and that's it's not what goes in but what comes out of them holes under our upper lips that God really cares about. So... how is it that we sometimes want to argue against this reality? Pride and the opposite end of our ego- insecurity. We all swing (at least from time to time) from the one extreme to the other. Imbalance (according to Pro. 1.11, etc.) is in God's view, sin. We get careless... and Jesus said something about every careless word we utter. Then again, we all know actions speak louder... but not exclusively so... than words. IF God didn't care about words,
wouldn't His Own words be included? If you or I don't care about His Word, why should ANYONE who is a serious Christian care about YOUR or MY words? See how circular and illogical the arguments get? "What I say and how I say it isn't anyone's business". Uh huh. God will judge us ALL, and in part, due to our words. Fact is, you KNOW what you say and how you say it is important. You (and I) just don't like others to remind us. Well, if you can swear and I'm not supposed to care, than I can call you out and challenge you on that or anything else I care to- and you're not supposed to care either-
because words don't really matter, RIGHT? See, growing up as a Christian doesn't mean freaking out constantly and worrying yourself to death about pleasing everyone you meet... but it sure enough means loving your neighbor as yourself and speaking AND acting as Jesus would have you do when you're around others. Not to mention being a godly example to other Christians- and being cool in their view is essentially meaningless in God's view... while being a good example is exactly what He wants. So why do we cuss or act rude around -some- people? Back to our own pride, or the other end of the scale, insecurity. Impress our friends. Embarrass our enemies. Shock people so we can get a bit of attention. Lookin' for a way to be cool or to mess with someone. So... does any of this impress God? Do a simple Bible study on what HE says and thinks about words, not just actions. Then feel free to do whatever you like... but know this: God WILL have the last word, and you and I will face Him on the last day and "give account for every careless word [we] speak". It's not what you OR I think... it's what HE thinks that's important, here and in eternity.
Thursday, September 25, 2003
I've been a fan of the Three Stooges for years and of course some think I'm a bit of one myself... but I made a recent discovery that really reminded me of their antics. I recently stayed at a rather humble abode where using the toilet actually blew a circuit in an adjacent room! I mean, there was only a little light and radio plugged into the outlet, so why- upon flushing a toilet- would a circuit blow?! It truly felt like a "stooge moment". It turned out to be a blessing because had it not blown the folks would have never realized the leak in their plumbing much less the live wire on the ground under the house not to mention the fact that the entire place had never been properly grounded. All fixable, all important. ALL things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to HIS purpose. The problem is that nobody (including me) likes problems. It's good to learn that sometimes the surfacing of a problem is simply the starting point enroute to a solution.
Friday, September 19, 2003
Spent some time in the whitetail woods two days ago. Found 'em, along with a couple thick flocks of massive turkeys, squirrels and a host of beautiful birds, trees, plants and flowers. It was a good break from the inner-city I call home. But following a deer trail that sloped down into a ravine in a gorgeous piece of woods brought me into spooking a couple large deer that had been feeding in the creek bottom below me. I hadn't seen them though I was looking right down in their direction. It's often like that with the Word of God. We read it, and know the place having been there before, perhaps countless times- and all of a sudden something comes into view, into sharp focus, that we just hadn't noticed previously. Such occurances are special, but I have a few ideas about such encounters. First, you have to BE there to see it. Second, one must focus intently to see the trees for the forest, so to speak. Third, what's there is there whether or not you believe it, see it or are willing to discipline yourself enough to search it out and recognize it for what it is. Fourth, there is something there, wherever "there" is- in the Book of God. It's not dry, dead, lifeless, Spiritless. Then again -we- may be... and indeed will be if we don't take time and focus enough to link up with the Writer. The Word of God is living and ACTIVE...
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
"Church" is another. When we consider the many-sided views of what the Emerging Church means, I suppose being the modern I am... sends me right back to the base definitions of these two words. I don't mean to say we can't reconceptualize or deconstruct these definitions. Mind you, I really don't mean that. But what DO I (or... we) mean when using words? I suppose whatever it is we want them to mean. Or perhaps we are simply using words as crayons. This term has one color, another has a different color or different hue of the same pigment, or perhaps the angle or the light in which it's held offers quite a different splash or hinting suggestion of that color? Post-modern enough? Believe it or not, I'm not joking or even trying to be sarcastic, rather I wish to make a statement by the allegory of word/crayon. Lots of people talk or write or sing just to play with words as crayons. Sometimes we may simply enjoy the sound of a given word or group of them. We may not have a clue what we're talking about but to connect with other human beings it sure helps to be able to articulate in terms the other person "gets"! So, ahem, the basic terms EMERGE and CHURCH have for many years simply meant: "to rise, come forth, be evident, come into existence" and "assembly of called-out ones, the collective body of Christ, Christians". There you have a basis for WHO, perhaps over/against/rather than WHAT. According to Jesus, the "what" is love. And not human love in any form, but rather God's very love in and through us to our neighbor. Now this is a church the world needs to see emerge! And nistorically, it always has and does, thank God. As to those who could care less about history, I offer this caution: don't take that position. For all of us are making history right here and now. Church... EMERGE!
Had two conversations recently that had to do with this subject. One friend of mine in a band said that waiting (between shows) was the toughest thing about touring. Days off were difficult, being without one's wife, family and friends. Waiting to get where the band was going no matter the mode of transport... waiting to get there, to do the next thing that needed doing, waiting for one another, etc..
The other bro. -also in a group, had to face a personnel change. So the 3-piece group is now a duo... and they're back to waiting on God and whomever it is that will replace the member who moved on. When I asked him what the band was up to, he told me with a grin, "Doing the thing we do best: waiting"!
The Book says "Our times are in his hands". It also says we should "wait on the Lord" which is something a bit different than just idly waiting. "Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength". Perhaps we have more time on our hands than we'd like or bore easily. Perhaps the Spirit is trying to move us to get beyond the waiting... to really waiting. All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. One of the fruits (takes time to grow fruit...) of the Spirit in a Christian's life is patience. God has His purposes and our best interests in view -even when we have to wait.
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
"God will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away". Rev. 21.4
Interestingly enough, I just returned home from a dear friend's memorial service, opened my email and read the words you see above! Frank was a good man who loved and served Jesus and his family for many years. His last days were a rapid yet at times painful trial with brain cancer- but I once again saw God carry a mother, wife, children, grandchildren and two churches where he and his family were linked in faith, moved to encounter God's heart and sustaining power through all the difficulty of such a loss. Frank is home with the Lord, where I expect to go in God's good and perfect timing. He is where there is no crying, death, mourning or pain... and the beautiful truth for those who in faith have followed the Lord Jesus Christ is this: "the first things have passed away". "First" isn't "always", nor is it "last" or the "end" of everything. The end of life in this world is literally the beginning of eternal life- or separation from God, His love and true family & community with all the believers in history. The first things will indeed pass away forever. Thankfully so! What lasts is eternal life with the Lord and His Own. I am SO grateful for the unearned, unearnable mercy and kindness of the Lord! If you find yourself reading this wondering what in the world I could mean by writing it, it's simply a matter of the Holy Spirit calling YOU to faith, trust and loving obedience to Him. Frank- and I- regretted the wasted years, the time in drugs, sexual sin and living outside of God's love. I saw Him change both of us... and I fully expect to see my friend again, for the first things are in no way the last things. The last enemy to be destroyed is death, but Jesus will certainly do that too- for He does ALL things well. Will you follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? There is no other!
Two beloved friends of mine went "dumpster diving" some time back and figuring I'd make use of a decidedly low-tech toy, they passed it on to me. They found a little Sony microcassette recorder complete with 3 tapes. I write songs in spurts, and a few days ago came up with 4 new tunes, all now sitting in demo form on this little machine! What my friends couldn't have known is that many years ago when I was flying all over the world and wishing I had more time to write, I owned one of these gadgets and recorded a lot of song ideas on it. So here we go again. Nothing like "mouthing out" pitch, beating my hands on my leg or a table-top to establish tempo and feel and singing a melody into a non-digital thingy... but it works. Sometimes the simplest things yield the greatest results. I recently saw a "dumpster diver" T shirt at Walmart... maybe I ought to buy a couple as gifts to these two?
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
Ed is crazy. I mean certifiable, really. But he makes so much more sense than do so many of us. I pass him by some days, especially if he's chatting with someone. When I stop to chat, he always looks me in the face and says something about people waking up. Things like, "What I don't understand is why people don't wake up... and God is trying to get through to them and they just ain't listening!" Over and over we have pretty much had the same conversation through the years and it ebbs and flows along these lines. He quotes Scripture often and easily. He truly "gets it", but he drools, laughs and at times shouts and hollers so the whole street in our little ghetto can hear. Many folks avoid Ed. I think even more avoid the truth in his ravings. Sometimes "crazy" isn't as crazy as being "sane"... and one day all of us are going to get a shock very much in line with what Ed predicted all along. It will be sadly apparent who the crazies on this earth TRULY were... and I suspect Ed won't be among them.
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